The Olde Ways (at Mustard Seed Farm)


Mustard Seed Farm is a small, traditional farmstead that is nestled in the hills of the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. It is the home to The Olde Ways.

It is a place where the air and water are pure. Farm animals live together harmoniously to enrich the land and give life to the many herbs, flowers and plants that grow there.  

At The Olde Ways, we embrace the ageless knowledge and timeless traditions of natural healing and beauty. 

As a child, Dina was inspired by her grandmother and her stories of her mother who had befriended a healer, only known now as the "Indian Woman". Dina learned early on that herbs, plants and real food were beneficial to heal and prevent ailments and that true beauty and good health could be obtained in nature.

At The Olde Ways, we handcraft comforts and remedies, simples and benefits for the health and beauty of the human body as were devised and generally administered in kitchens of old. 

All of  our products are made exclusively from simple, pure, all natural and non- toxic ingredients. The herbs, oils, butters and other ingredients, such as, bees wax, are hand selected and individually made into small batches of sprays, creams, salves, balms, cleansers, etc. to ensure quality. Some batches may vary in fragrance and texture, but it is all good, really good!

We have expanded our gardens and are now growing many of our own herbs for our Herbal Teas and Products. Our gardens are open to the public and we encourage you to wander and embrace nature and all of its beauty.

We have a deep appreciation for the Earth and the life that God has blessed it with. We believe deeply that everything we need has been provided to us in nature and it is up to us to harvest and utilize it to the best of our abilities in a harmonious unobtrusive way.

We grow our herbs and create our herbal products with pride, dedication and love. We take joy in sharing what we have worked so hard to put together. We strive to re-establish a connection to nature and promote small local Artisans. Tour our gardens and visit with our old Quarter horse mare (Sugar) and her side kick (Pixie). They are often found in the gardens and orchard.

Our Herb and Artisan Shoppe is OPEN                  Wednesday - Sunday 10:00-4:00 from May -Christmas. We look forward to meeting you and showing you what The Olde Ways is all about!